By now, you must have heard all the talk and excitement about essential oils and what they can do for you.
You can actually eliminate toxic household cleaning products, sleeping pills; even the need for the morning cup of Joe can all be replaced simply by using essential oils.
These distilled plant, fruit, or flower extracts are super concentrated, and therefore, super powerful. Keep in mind that you should never consume them unless you get approval from your doctor. Essential oils are for external use only!
But is there anything more heavenly than the scent of roses in the bath? The intoxicating smell of cedar on your man’s collar? Or the soothing calm that lavender brings?
Want to know more? We are going to let you in on what is known as the Top 10 essential oils that no one should be without.
- Eucalyptus Oil
If you want a natural relief from colds, flu, coughs, and other respiratory issues, this is a must have. Not only does eucalyptus oil immediately clear up congestion, it is antibacterial, anti-viral, as well as anti-fungal. This means that while you are adding a few drops to your shower, pot of hot water, or vaporizer, you will clear up your sinuses and clean the air as well! Add a few drops to a spray bottle of water and you have a safe sanitizer for the bathroom and kitchen counters. Remember, eucalyptus oil is powerful stuff, so do not allow children under 10 to use this oil.
- Lavender
By far, the most popular essential oil on the planet! If you could only afford to buy one oil, this should be the one. Lavender has been used for thousands of years for everything from headache relief to a cure for insomnia, to healing insect bites, skin rashes, minor burns and even as a deodorant! Lavender is one of the most soothing scents around, so if you are looking for natural stress or anxiety relief, try taking a few good whiffs right out of the bottle!
- Tea Tree Oil
This has been called “medicine in a bottle” and for a good reason! Tea tree oil, much like Eucalyptus oil, can be used to treat all kinds of ailments, including acne, cold sores, insect bites, and eczema, athlete ’s foot, and toenail fungus. Adding a few drops to your regular shampoo makes it an instant dandruff killer and adding some to a plain spray bottle of water makes it a terrific way to clean and sanitize around the home! By the way, fleas hate this stuff, so put a few drops on Fluffy or Fido’s bedding to keep them away!
- Peppermint
If you have ever had a cup of peppermint tea or sucked on a peppermint candy to relieve stomach pain or indigestion, then you know how peppermint works! Peppermint is a natural soother, so adding a few drops to a bucket of water makes one of the most relaxing foot soaks ever! You can also use it in the bath or, when adding it to a carrier oil such as coconut oil, it makes a great cough and cold balm when rubbed on the chest.
- Clove
This common spice has been used for centuries to relieve minor pains and stop itching. Clove oil is great for mouth pain or toothaches, prickly heat rash, cuts or minor wounds, to stop the itch and sting of insect bites or stings, and so much more. Clove oil is super powerful, so you should probably dilute it in a carrier oil, such as almond oil or coconut oil, before you use it. If you have very sensitive skin, you might want to consider another oil as clove is very strong.
- Chamomile
You probably have some chamomile tea in your kitchen right now. This super soothing herb has been used since at least Roman times and while a cup of tea before bed will make you sleepy, you can also use this gentle oil externally. Most people have no problem using this oil full strength to stop the pain from boils, acne, cuts, and bruises, super dry skin, eczema, even dermatitis. Put a few drops in a diffuser and watch your kids drift off to sleep naturally. Caution: if you are allergic to ragweed, this oil is not for you!
- Grapefruit
Just thinking about this scent makes your mouth water, doesn’t it? If you are feeling a little blue, try taking a few sniffs of this oil every 5 to 10 minutes. It has a super uplifting, energizing property to it! Grapefruit oil is also good to use topically for acne, swollen lymph nodes, cellulite, tension headaches, even as a deodorant. Put a few drops on any cloth and make your own refreshing deodorizer for closets, shoes, lockers, and cars.
- Oregano
This is a powerful oil that has anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antimicrobial compounds. This is a great oil to use around the house to clean and sanitize, as well as using it topically to stop fungal infections, tendonitis, cysts, warts, shingles, Candida, athlete’s foot, and more. This works best when diluted in a good quality carrier oil, such as olive oil or sweet almond oil.
- Lemon
There is almost nothing this basic oil cannot do! Just a few drops added to some olive oil and you have the worlds best furniture polish for pennies! Add some to your laundry detergent, dish detergent, or floor cleaner for some super smelling, extra clean home! Put a drop or two of lemon oil with some salt and baking soda for a scrub that will make your cutting board and sink look like new and smell good too! Make your own antibacterial hand sanitizer by mixing it with some aloe vera gel. The list for this oil goes on and on!
- Frankincense
This super perfumed oil has been grown and harvested since before Christ. It is currently being investigated as a possible means of stopping cancer from spreading, but while those studies continue, you can add it to your favorite liquid soap to stop acne in days. Frankincense will cleanse and purify the skin, while easing stress with its heady scent. Adding a few drops to a handkerchief and inhaling it will help clear stuffed noses. It’s even been reported to help those with allergies and asthma.
Pregnant women and nursing mothers should always check with their doctor before using any essential oils. Children under 5 should also avoid these oils as they can be very powerful. If you have any doubts or concerns, please speak with your doctor before using.
Beautiful, healing, aromatic essential oils – A little bit of something for everyone! Who knew?
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